Tuesday, 2 April 2013

0 Unique Facts about Indonesia

Being Indonesian, let me introduce you to 12 Unique Facts About Indonesia
  • With over 17,000 islands – approximately 6000 of them still inhabited, Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world.
  • Over 580 languages and dialects, Bahasa Indonesia is the formal language (I only knows several traditional languages and dialects)
  • Rice is the main food staple in Indonesia. That’s why most Indonesians will say they haven’t had their meal before they had rice even after they had eaten pizza or hamburger!
  • Indonesia is home to one of the previous 7 Wonders of the world – The Borobudur Temple. It’s the biggest Buddhist temple in the world built in 9th century. Still one of the huge tourism spot in Indonesia. Sadly, on the new 7 Wonders of The World, Indonesia fell off the list.
    • The only dragon in the world can be found in Indonesia at the Komodo Island where the Komodo dragon resides.
    • One of the largest Muslim population in the world but Indonesia IS NOT a Muslim country. The government only recognized 6 religions here: Islam, Protestant, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu and Konghucu.
    • One of the world’s unique funeral procession takes place in a Toraja, a small town in Sulawesi island. Funeral procession will took around 7 days and cost a fortune. That’s why families usually save up their money for years before they can buried their loved ones. Where do they keep the body? In their house! Traditional embalming involved.
    • Bali has been famous for years but Lombok is the most happening place among others beautiful places in Indonesia. Remember, being a country with so many islands there are plenty of beautiful beaches scattered all over Indonesia. Tanjung Aan Beach in Lombok, photographed by JavaTourism.com
    • The Dutch (or was known back then as the Dutch East Indies) colonized Indonesia for 350 years.  That’s why many older Indonesians speak fluent Dutch and plenty of Indonesian word derived from their language.
    • Java island where Jakarta is situated is as big as New York State
    • Indonesia is home to the largest flower in the world called The Rafflesia aka The Corps flower. Reaching 5ft high and 4ft wide, it only blooms for 3 days and for 8 hours of these 3 days, the flower gives out the rotting flesh smell.

  • Indonesian loves spicy foods! Order a pizza or hamburger here, you will get some chili packages!


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